
Women are amazing beings that it’s mind-boggling at times

Women are amazing beings that it’s mind-boggling at times. I am sure you’re thinking that we’re females, so any self-congratulation sounds a bit over the top.

Think about it for a moment. Our physical appearance is drastically different from men. We must train almost twice as much to achieve any significant gains in the gym and our genes are programmed to retain more fat than men due to different hormonal makeup of our bodies.

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Let’s be honest women, our bodies were designed to support children and not for weight lifting or figure contests. Whatever the case, whether babies are a priority for you or not the system you have in place will strive to provide the most comfortable and soft environment for the baby’s growth in the initial nine months of their existence.

Nature’s plan.

The most interesting thing is the fact that if you’re trying to prevent the onset of pregnancy, you’ll probably experience an increase in hormonal imbalance, and more noticeable consequences of estrogen hormone working its magic.

Are you unsure of which one I’m talking about? The phrase brings back memories of fat gain, bloat nausea, nausea, spotting the beginning of bleeding. It can also trigger mood swings and even extreme headaches. It’s a simple phrase that has lots of force. Ready?

“The Pill.”

Many who have used contraceptives for birth are aware of the possible negative consequences. They are normal whenever hormone levels change by any means, your body will let you know about the changes.

Birth control pills are made up of progesterone and synthetic estrogen (or in some instances it is just one of those two). Since menstrual cycles and the ovulation cycle are controlled by hormones, this rise causes a myriad of changes to the reproductive system that leads to the prevention of pregnancy.

As any female in the fitness industry is aware, we do to reduce the hormones that affect females within our bodies. We are all aware that higher levels of testosterone along with lower estrogen levels, are crucial to a feeling of overall well-being and wellbeing.

It’s testosterone that helps us gain lean mass, reduce fat storage, increase sexual desire, ward off that “I’m PMS’ing-leave-me-alone” mood, keep our skin healthy, and our minds sharp. The excess levels of testosterone’s antagonist estrogen have an opposite reaction on our bodies.

It is evident that increasing your personal estrogen levels by getting to the pill is more than insane. However, it’s considered a must by the majority of women. A lot of us take the unpleasant side effects and are able to live with the negative effects of a less-than-perfect hormonal balance.

What else can you do?

This is the question we’ll address within this piece. I’ve conducted extensive studies on this topic which included interviewing a number of athletes in the fitness and figure arena about their experiences using the birth control pill. Every one of them have found what works best for her. Whether it’s a lower dose of estrogen pill or a more effective alternative that can do the job while keeping the hormone levels at a minimum in line with her fitness regimen and ultra-lean physique targets.