
Treatment For Dry Eye Syndrome

Treatment for dry eye syndrome involves reducing inflammation and conserving tears. In addition, a patient may also need to use artificial-tear eyedrops to treat their symptoms. However, excessive dryness may damage the eyes. If dryness is left untreated, it can result in permanent vision damage. The most common treatments for dry eye syndrome are topical steroids and restasis. To get a full picture of the treatment options, contact an ophthalmologist.

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One of the most accurate methods for diagnosing dry eye syndrome is a test called epithelial staining. The doctor will place a small amount of the dye into each eye. It will stains abnormal or damaged epithelial cells, which cover the sclera and conjunctiva. If the test reveals damage, the ophthalmologist will prescribe a treatment plan. The goal of treatment for dry eye syndrome is to reduce the discomfort and improve the quality of life of patients suffering from the condition.

Treatment for dry eye syndrome is not an easy task, however. The first step is to avoid visual activities that may worsen symptoms of the disease. Other common treatments include topical artificial tears, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory drugs. In more severe cases, the patient may need immunomodulating medications or a punctual plug. In severe cases, the patient will be prescribed a medication to block the lacrimal duct and increase the amount of tears in the eye.

Other treatments for dry eye syndrome include using humidifiers in the room and limiting the use of contact lenses and electronic devices. In addition to these treatments, new treatments for dry eye syndrome have been developed recently. One such treatment is LipiFlow, which increases the flow of tears. Another treatment is BlephEx, which helps the tear film rehydrate faster. A consultation with an ophthalmologist is recommended if you notice any symptoms, even if they are not due to dry eye.

Different treatments are effective in managing dry eye syndrome. Some doctors prescribe artificial tears for the condition, while others prescribe steroids. Some patients with dry eye syndrome may need corticosteroids for a short period. Other people with dry eye syndrome can take cholinergics, which stimulate tear production. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the problem. The drainage holes in the inner corners of the eyes may need to be permanently blocked so that adequate tears can be produced.

Symptoms of dry eye syndrome are not always caused by the onset of age or by the use of certain drugs. Some people may suffer from a combination of factors. The underlying cause of dry eye syndrome is unknown. A patient who has a chronic disease may need to consult an ophthalmologist to determine if it is due to their age or other factors. The doctor will also conduct a diagnostic test to determine the exact cause of dry eye.