
Choosing the Best Infant Formula As a Breast Milk Substitute

Breast milk will always be best for babies. Nothing is healthier than natural breast milk endowed with love and nurture from the mother. Yet with the global financial crisis alarming the world at large, mothers are forced to enter the workforce, leave their babies at home and feed them infant formula instead. Finding the right infant formula is a tough task for mothers who want the best for their baby.

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Before, breast milk substitutes ranged from cow’s milk based formula to elemental formula to soy formula. This limited number of choice for mothers has made choosing the baby formula easy. However, with the rise of different milk brands offering a variety of benefits for your babies, it takes a wise mom to look closely into what the baby formula can give her child.

How do you choose the right breast milk substitute? Nutrition is the primary basis of any food you provide your children. It might be difficult to find something that really substitutes for the benefits breastfeeding can give. With human milk, your child will not have any problems with regards digestion and infection since it has natural anti-bodies that reduce risks of diarrhea, respiratory problems and ear infections. Further, breast milk strengthens the relationship between the child and the mother. These three reasons cab be foundations of your search for breast milk substitute.

Parents choose an infant formula based on personal preference or advise from friends and old people. Moreover, advertisements persuade parents to opt for powdered milk that has ingredients which brings about smart healthy kids. However, in the long run, your basis of choice depends on the need of your child. Your child’s unique dietary requirements should be given focus. Nutrition is the primary consideration for choosing your baby’s milk. Make sure that your baby gets enough amount of carbohydrate, water, protein, vitamins, minerals and fat. There are cow milk based formulas that has added vegetable oils, minerals and iron.

In some instances, your child may be experiencing digestion difficulties. In this kind of situation, choose soy-based formula from soy protein that has sucrose, and added vegetable oils. These soy based baby formula is best for babies who are not tolerant to lactose or those who are found allergic to whole protein found in many cow milk. In this case, your baby might be experiencing lactose deficiency in the small intestine. Most premature babies lack lactose enzymes responsible for digesting glucose, sucrose and other forms of carbohydrates. Your baby may also be experiencing low birth weight which means after birth, his or her body weight is inappropriately lower than the desired weight for new born. There are a lot of special formulas that cater not only to low birth weight but to low sodium infant predicaments.

Water is an essential component of every breast milk substitute. There are formulas in liquid, liquid concentrate and powder. A liquid infant formula does not need water and can be directly fed to infants while liquid and powder concentrates entail certain amount of water. It is necessary for parents to understand and follow the instructions on the label before adding water to liquid and powder concentrated milk. Without understanding what has been laid for instruction, adding inappropriate amount of water may lead to water intoxication which can lead to irritability, low sodium, and even coma. On the other hand, lack of water and too concentrated mixture can further cause dehydration, diarrhea and even kidney failure.


CPAP Machine – What Are CPAP Machines and How Do They Work?

The term ‘CPAP machine’ is a shorthand term that stands for a device known as a ‘continuous positive air pressure’ machine and is traditionally used for aiding in people with OSA, or obstructive sleep apnea disorders and the overall involved breathing issues associated with the dysfunction. They are used to keep the airway open by flowing a moderated air pressure stream down the patient’s airways so that breathing can be maintained during sleep. The PAP machines consist of 3 parts: a mask, a motor, and tubing, while there are various models that also have humidifiers. The sizes vary, but are typically about the size of a small radio and are relatively light-weight. While they are used for treating sleep disordered breathing dysfunctions, they can also be used for respiratory failure in both adults and children.

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Regarding sleep apnea, a CPAP machine works by forcing the airways open for those patients that exhibit shallow breathing during sleeping. Without the use of a CPAP machine, patients with OSA tend to have laxity in their airways, thus causing an obstruction during sleep. When this occurs, the collapsed airway can minimize the oxygen levels that that are in the bloodstream, and more serious conditions can occur, including loud snoring to even death. The continuous positive airway pressure of the CPAP machines will thus gently open the airway to allow continuous breathing and thus maintain regular oxygen levels during sleep.

Prior to using CPAPs, the patient will need to get a conducted sleep study by a sleep doctor. This will test the levels of breathing, airway flow, oxygen levels, and snoring for the patient. In order to get a CPAP machine prescribed, the patient needs to have this sleep test done. After a diagnosis is reached (either moderate or severe OSA), the patient can then obtain a CPAP from a home medical supplier.

Infants also use CPAPs if their lungs are not fully developed. Often times in premature births, the infants need a device to assist with breathing, so a CPAP is a viable option, and it is typically less invasive than ventilators or other options.

After shopping around for different types of PAP machines, you will notice that there are a variety of mask types available; those that cover the entire face or those that cover either just the nose or the mouth and the nose simultaneously. CPAP machines can also come in a variety of sizes and are highly adjustable. The variety is offered for those patients who are ‘CPAP intolerant,’ or have issues wearing certain masks due to their sleep patterns and positions.

There are also machines known as Auto CPAP machines (or AutoPAP) that are created to titrate the levels of oxygen that are pumped into the system based on breathing patterns. These tend to be a little more money, but offer a wider variety of treatment and often times the patients find that they can see the benefits over the traditional CPAP machines.


Best Infant Formula: Preparation and Comparison of Infant Formula

If you want no mixing or measuring, the Ready-to-Use infant formula would be your best choice. The preparation is quick and easy, especially if you are traveling, all you have to do is open it and viola your baby is eating. It’s convenient if you have no access to safe water, if your baby is premie or low weight this might also make a great choice for you, because it’s sterile. It is more expensive so you’ll need to consider the cost and compare it with the concentrate and powder form. Once the Ready-to-Use Formula is open, you have 48 hours to use it up. This type of formula is also darker in color, many mothers do complain that it’s likely to stain clothes more.

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Ready-to Use Infant Formula Specifications and Features

• Quick.
• No safe water, great alternative.
• Good for premies and low weight babies.
• Sterile.
• More expensive.
• Must use up within 48 hours.
• May stain more.

Preparation of Ready-To-Use Infant Formula

• Always wash your hands. This seems pretty logical.
• Make sure you follow the directions.
• Wipe the lid with a wet cloth to remove dust and dirt before you open it.
• Refrigerate.
• You have 48 hours to use the rest.
• Warm the milk; one way you can do this is to place it in a pan of hot water or buy a bottle warmer.
• After feeding, throw out the left over from the bottle. Bacteria may grow in left over formula.

Liquid Concentrate Formula

You need to mix equal parts of water and formula when using liquid concentrate formula. The concentrate is less expensive than Ready-To-Use and takes up less storage space. When compared to the powdered formula, it’s easier to prepare but more expensive.

Liquid Concentrate Formula Specifications and Features

Mix 1:1 ratio
Less expensive than Ready-to Use Formula.
Takes up less storage space.
More expensive than powdered formula.

Preparing Liquid Concentrate

Wash your hands.
Make sure you follow the directions.
Wipe the lid with a wet cloth to remove dust and dirt before you open it.
You have 48 hours to use the rest.
Warm the milk; one way you can place it in a pan of hot water or buy a bottle warmer.
After feeding, throw out the left over from the bottle. Bacteria may growin left over formula.

Powdered Infant Formula

Powdered Infant Formula is the most economical choice. It also takes up less space in your cupboards, it takes a bit more time to prepare the formula than the previous two, it has a one month shelf life after the container is open. This actually means less waste.

Powdered Infant Formula Specifications and Features

• Economical Choice.
• Takes up less space.
• Takes a little bit more time to prepare.
• Has a one month shelf life once opened.
• Less waste.

Preparing Powered Infant Formula

• Wash your hands
• Make sure you follow the directions.
• Wipe the lid with a wet cloth to remove dust and dirt before you open it.
• Refrigerate
• You have 48 hours to use the rest
• Warm the milk; one way you can place it in a pan of hot water or buy a bottle warmer
• After feeding, throw out the left over from the bottle. Bacteria may grow.


Why many people in the industry tend to call an automatic CPAP machine

Always wondered why many people in the industry tend to call an automatic CPAP machine something other than what it is – an automatic CPAP machine. You will often hear people call these types of machines APAP machines or Auto-PAP machines. I believe this is a result of a misunderstanding of the acronym CPAP. CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, indicating that air pressure will be delivered continuously throughout the sleeping cycle. The term CPAP, however, doesn’t imply that the continuously delivered air will be at a constant pressure. Therefore, the proper term to use for a CPAP machine which automatically adjusts the pressure setting according to your needs is automatic CPAP machine.

Philips CPAP Machines

A CPAP machine is designed to blow air through your partially obstructed airway in order to eliminate the obstruction and to allow you to breathe normally. What many people call “regular” CPAP machines do this by blowing air at a constant pressure throughout the night, regardless of whether you’re experiencing an apnea – or cessation of breathing – or not.

An automatic CPAP machine does not use a constant pressure. Rather, the machine is designed to sense your breathing through the use of a pressure feedback device. When the machine senses you are breathing well, the delivered pressure will be lower. On the other hand, when the machine senses you’re not breathing well – that is, when it senses an apnea, hypopnea or snoring – the delivered pressure will be higher.

Since most people with sleep apnea breathe normally for at least some portion of the night, it stands to reason that a constant pressure is generally unnecessary for effective CPAP therapy. Automatic CPAP machines deliver approximately 40% less pressure throughout the course of a night compared with a CPAP machine which delivers a constant pressure. This reduced pressure helps to increase patient comfort and compliance and makes CPAP therapy more tolerable for new CPAP users.

If your prescribed pressure setting is relatively low – under 10 cm H2O – the primary benefit of an automatic CPAP machine may not be the reduced average pressure, but it may simply be that you don’t have to worry about adjusting your pressure setting in the future. An automatic CPAP machine virtually guarantees you will be getting optimal CPAP therapy regardless of changes in your condition.

As with most CPAP machines, automatic CPAP machines are designed to deliver air pressure between 4 cm H2O and 20 cm H2O. During the initial setup of the machine the minimum and maximum pressures will be set. Usually the default setting of 4 cm H2O as the minimum pressure and 20 cm H2O as the maximum pressure is used. However, if your prescribed pressure setting is well above 10 cm H2O then increasing the minimum pressure might make sense. I would almost always recommend using the default minimum and maximum pressure settings since these settings will allow for the maximum average pressure reduction and the highest level of patient comfort.

Another great advantage of automatic CPAP machines is that they’re really two machines in one. You get a CPAP machine which adjusts pressure automatically, and you also get a machine which can be set to deliver a constant pressure just like a regular CPAP machine. This flexibility in functionality is attractive to many CPAP users, especially to those who are using CPAP equipment for the first time.

There are two types of sleep apnea – central and obstructive. Central sleep apnea occurs as a result of a dysfunction in the thalamus area of the brain, while obstructive sleep apnea occurs as a result of an obstructed airway. CPAP machines are designed to open the airway for patients who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, but CPAP machines will have no effect on central sleep apnea. Some automatic CPAP machines such as the Puritan Bennett 420E can detect apneas which occur with and without cardiac osciallations to avoid increasing the pressure during central apnea events in which the airway is already open. Similarly, advanced automatic CPAP machines can also differentiate between central and obstructive hypopnea (which is defined as shallow breathing).

Below is a summary of the benefits of using an automatic CPAP machine:

Approximately 40% overall reduction in delivered pressure
No need to worry about adjusting a constant pressure as your condition changes
Flexibility – the machine can be set to automatic mode or constant mode
Some automatic machines detect the difference between obstructive apneas/hypopneas and central apneas/hypopneas


How to Find Support When You Have Interstitial Cystitis or Painful Bladder Syndrome

If you’re one of the estimated one million people in the United States living with interstitial cystitis, commonly referred to as IC, you’re well aware that the condition can have a profound effect on your daily life. But, you should also know that you’re not alone as there are many support groups and organizations who understand life with interstitial cystitis. These groups offer invaluable resources and information about coping, living, and thriving with the condition.

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If there isn’t a group or association for IC in your area or neighborhood, you can always start your own by contacting the Interstitial Cystitis Association (ICA) who will offer helpful information about becoming a support group leader. Starting your own group can be a highly rewarding experience as you’ll play an active role in bringing individuals together who are dealing with the same issues.

Once you’ve established your group, spread the word to publicize upcoming meetings. Many urologists, general practitioners, gynecologists, and hospitals will post notices in their waiting rooms about relevant support groups for their patients. Informative flyers can be posted in libraries, at supermarkets, on community bulletin boards, and in hospital newsletters. Some groups feature guest speakers such as pain management specialists, and offer participants informative hand-outs containing the latest news on IC.

Some of the topics and issues discussed at a typical IC support group meeting include:

– Treatment topics including traditional as well as alternative approaches

– Diet, nutrition, and exercise

– Self-help tips and techniques

– Pain management

– Stress reduction

– Sexuality and pregnancy with IC

Support groups can be a wonderful place for sharing personal experiences with like-minded individuals who can offer understanding as well as helpful up-to-date information about interstitial cystitis. Although IC affects both men and women of all cultures and socioeconomic groups, many aren’t familiar with the condition or its painful effects. And many people aren’t comfortable discussing this type of condition with those who don’t have it themselves.


Will 3D Television Trigger Epileptic Seizures?

Does the 3D effect either a myth or fact?

The answer could be either!

The introduction of 3D films like Avatar and the expected growth in 3D Television is creating concerns throughout the world due to the impact of 3D viewing on “triggering” an epileptic seizure.

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In certain cases, the concerns may be legitimate, but in other cases it’s just creating another myth in epilepsy’s mystery, especially for people who aren’t epilepsy sufferers.

While awareness of epilepsy and the nature of the condition is and even more important, what it is NOT is increasing in the public sphere through various awareness campaigns, the false stigmas that surround epileptics remain a problem for those who don’t suffer from epilepsy, or are not near to anyone who has epilepsy.

If you are an epileptic, they’re generally aware that epilepsy comes in multiple types (types) which manifest in many different ways.

The primary concern is Do you have “Photosensitive Epilepsy”?

This is a short excerpt of Wikipedia detailing photosensitive epilepsy. There is more detailed information on the internet, but this will convey my point.

“In certain epileptics, flashing or flickering lights, like flashing lights, could cause the development of a involuntary, absence of myoclonic seizures. This type of condition is known as photosensitive epilepsy and, in certain cases seizures can be caused by actions that aren’t harmful to other people for example, watching TV as well as playing online games as well as by driving or riding through the daytime on a route with trees spaced apart, creating what is known as the “flashing light” effects. A few people experience seizures as a result of blinking their eyes. Contrary to what many believe the epilepsy triggered by blinking is extremely rare with only 3 percent of instances. For other epileptics as well the lights do not appear to be more likely to trigger seizures than they are in an un-epileptic individual.

An essential element in the EEG test is to expose the patient to light sources that flicker to try to trigger a seizure to see if these lights are triggering seizures within the patient, and also detect the wavelengths in case the seizure is occurring”.

In my opinion, to alleviate or eliminate any fears or worries that you are having about yourself and your your loved ones regarding the trigger of watching 3D Television or 3D movies it is important to consult your physician, paediatrician , or neurologist on whether you or loved ones suffer from PHOTOSENSITIVE epilepsy.

There are many factors that cause seizures in different individuals, but one that is quite common is stress which is why you should eliminate any anxiety and stress you might be feeling about the consequences from 3D Television by simply consulting with your doctor or primary care provider.

Do you really want to deprive yourself and your family members of the joy that comes with 3D Television viewing just because of a chance?

If you do not suffer from epilepsy with photosensitivity, then the risk should be minimal.

Many epileptics will be a little irritable or dizzy, and experience headaches, etc. when watching an 3D film, but the transmission and 3D glasses play tricks on your brain and eyes and if epileptics feel these feelings, it doesn’t necessarily indicate the onset of seizures.

In the end The only person who can tell you whether 3D Television or movies will impact them is the doctor(s) Don’t be influenced by rumors or gossip Enjoy the experience.

If you’re within the 3percent of epileptics suffering from epilepsy that is photosensitive, then I am happy for you, but consult with your physician to see if there’s an alternative to counteract the negative effects (some suggest taking a higher dose ( this is a claim that has been confirmed by your physician) of anticonvulsants prior to and following taking in 3D Television or 3D movies could be beneficial, but this is just a rumor.

My daughter is the son of 23-year old daughter, who was diagnosed with epilepsy called Complex Partial Seizures ( previously called Grand Mal) at the age of six months (initially incorrectly diagnosed as febrile seizures, much to our delight). I do not consider myself a medical professional however I do have “practical” experience in living with the condition, taking care of the needs of my child (who also is physically and intellectually disabled) and have been trying to stay abreast of what’s happening in the epilepsy field including research, medication as well as social consciousness. I hope this article will be useful to you.


Text Messaging and Smart Phones as well as social Media Addiction

Maybe you’ve been in a debate with your spouse, colleague or friend, or yourselfand you’ve asked yourself this question: are our personal and social media technology slowing down our lives? Yes, I believe it’s true and I think it’s becoming a huge thing, a conclusion numerous of my acquaintances or friends have come to however, where does it begin and what can be done about this? Okay , let’s discuss, will we?

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Many teenagers aren’t eager to finish High School because their schools won’t allow them to access their phones on a regular basis, and they are not allowed to use their devices on campus. Additionally, students at school, they take their devices out when the school closes and are therefore less likely to take part in activities after school. These days, some community colleges, are demanding the same regulations, including some Universities for undergraduate courses.

Then I’d like you to take a look at an intriguing Thesis written by Talli Stewart. Stewart B.A. from San Marcos, Texas, which was submitted in August 2013. It’s with the title “I I Can’t Use My Mobile Phone? Cell Phone Addiction, Social Environments , and Health of College students,” which really poses many more difficult realities that we will have to face in the near future. The study cited among other intriguing findings that

“Results showed that levels of restricted social settings and cell phone use influence the degree of depression and anxiety felt by individuals” and “significant variations in Internet users with moderate, low or high scores of cell phone addiction indicates that high rates of Internet usage on a mobile phone are associated with greater levels of addiction to cell phones.”

Okay , so I’m confident that the majority of us are shocked by these findings. however, since we have the evidence and data that we will have future concerns about the social experiment that is taking place that is involving cellphones as well as social media doing, we might want to look at ways to improve this model to avoid causing more problems in the future.

In the event that social media is trying build an even more solid community but it’s not working, it’s actually doing the opposite and causing people to get rid of the old model of real-life and socializing through a degraded digital self-validation and an illusion of belonging, but we see that students as well as young people are much more concerned with their personal devices than they are in the future and aren’t doing themselves and their professions any favors. I do hope you’ll take a moment to consider all this and consider the issue.


surgical Mesh Implants – The Most Popular Tips to Prevent Post Surgery complications

Modern-day surgery employs the principle of inserting surgical mesh within the human body to obtain the desired outcomes. The mesh operates on the principle of the foreign body that triggers an inflammatory response and then creating an elastomeric barrier that protects organs. Surgical mesh is employed for a myriad of procedures such as herniorrhaphy and stress incontinence surgeries as well as pelvic organ prolapse repair. However , it is worth noting that research has revealed some issues using surgical mesh , and consequently, FDA has issued a manual on how to use these meshes.

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This is a summary of FDA’s guidelines concerning the use of surgical mesh implants.

Recommendations for doctors: TheFDA gives a separate set of guidelines for the surgeon as well as the patient. The following issues must be handled during the surgical part of the issue.

1.The surgeon must be aware that the majority of cases Prolapse of the pelvic organ could be treated by simple repairs without the requirement of mesh. Thus, the need for transvaginal mesh should be eliminated.

2. The placement of the mesh is a permanent process that once it is in place, it could be challenging to treat the same patient later on in the event of any other issues. This is due to the alteration in the anatomy of the patient’s internal structures due to the effect of mesh placement. It can lead to higher risk in subsequent surgeries.

3.The possibility of complications is greater with the transvaginal positioning of the mesh than with the abdominal procedure. Therefore , abdominal surgery should be the preferred option in all situations, provided there is no reason not to do it.

4.It it is up to the surgeon to ensure that all pros and cons are discussed with the patient prior to the procedure. A full informed consent must be obtained prior to undergoing the procedure.

Recommendations for patients This set of guidelines to be adhered to by patients to reduce the chance of developing complications.

1.It is required that the patient ask the surgeon questions about the mesh procedure. The patient should be aware what the surgeon is thinking about when he chooses to use mesh, and what can be the consequences if a mesh-less procedure is utilized.

2.The women must continue to undergo regular routine post-operative examinations. It is also necessary to report to the surgeon any complications that are developing; e.g. constant vaginal bleeding, excessive vaginal discharge or discomfort in the legs or lower abdomen, constant discomfort and fever. This will enable the rapid treatment for these issues.

3. Patients who have had an operation to repair the pelvic organ prolapse however aren’t sure whether a mesh was installed or not, they should attempt to determine this at their next appointment. This is vital since it will assist the patient identify the potential negative side effects that could occur following the surgery. It can aid in earlier detection of complications.