
Canine Epilepsy is a disorder of the brain in which abnormal

Canine Epilepsy is a disorder of the brain in which abnormal electrical activity can trigger nerve transmission that is not coordinated. The chaotic and uncoordinated nerve tissue activity is a scramble of messages to muscles in your pet’s body. The use of muscles is then hindered.


There are numerous reasons for chronic recurrent seizures in dogs and canines, it is not an individual disease, or an individual condition however, it is rather a wide group of disorders. Canine Epilepsy is broadly divided into symptomatic and idiopathic disorders. Idiopathic Epilepsy or primary epilepsy means that there is no discernible brain abnormality apart from seizures. The term “symptomatic epilepsy” (or secondary epilepsy) is epileptic seizures that are result of a specific trigger.

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Most dogs suffering from epilepsy with idiopathic causes experience their first seizures between the years of one to five years old. The possibility of a genetic cause for epilepsy idiopathic is thought to exist in a variety of breeds, including the purebreds involved in the development of Australian Labradoodle and Labradoodle.


The cause of seizures can be circumstances in the brain (such as tumors, trauma or infections) or by circumstances that are centered in the outside of the brain (such as low blood sugar levels, hypothyroidism, circulating metabolic toxins as well as other external poisons). First, it is important to identify the possibility of situations which are outside of the brain. This can be done with blood tests. Ophthalmic examinations can also be done because the retina might reveal signs of a brain disease. If these tests prove to be negative the next step is determined by the pet’s age. My opinion is that the most effective testing lab is run by Dr. Jean Dodd’s. Samples are set by your vet for her company Hempet. According to me, it is Dr. Dodd’s office and UCDavis are the best-organized information in the field. The blogger is not associated with either of them.

After BLOOD Testing, ANIMALS LOWER than one year old

The majority of seizures are caused by inflammation of the brain. The analysis of cerebrospinal fluid that is gathered by tapping under anesthesia, is vital.

After BLOOD testing and ANIMALS BETWEEN AGES 1 and 5

When these pets suffer, generally there is no cause so the phrase “epilepsy,” which simply signifies “seizure disorder” is used. If seizures are frequent enough, then medication is prescribed to stop seizures. To better understand the effects of medications, consult your veterinarian or visit and join owner forums regarding the subject.

Following BLOOD Testing, ANIMALS OVER than age five years old

In this class seizures are often caused by tumors growing from the skull and pressing down on the skull (a “meningioma”). The majority of these tumors can be operated should they be detected in the early stages. ACT test or MRI is your next option. In the case of patients for whom surgery isn’t an optionfor them, corticosteroids can be utilized to decrease the swelling in the brain.


The causes of seizures can be easy to eliminate However, there are some that are more severe. Do not make rash conclusions eliminate the most common problems first. Our bulldogs each had seizures (first one, then just a few months later, after that the third). We changed their diet to a low protein diet to a less protein-rich food, and they never had another seizures.

Some epilepsy types are caused by genetic. The three elements potassium, sodium, and calcium are used by the brain as ions. They produce electrical charges that need to be fired often to enable steady flow of electricity between nerve cells one after another. If the channels carrying their currents are damaged or damaged by birth, an imbalance develops that could cause misfires or seizures.

The brain is a place where cancerous as well as non-cancerous tumors can trigger seizures. Brain tumors are the main reason for seizures that start after the age of five. If a dog in the senior years starts to experience seizures and other causes like trauma, toxins and diabetes have been eliminated the possibility of a brain tumor is something to consider.

Liver disease is a degenerative , inflammatory condition that causes formation of scars and hardening of liver cells. The liver is unable to function normally due to scarred tissues, which block the normal flow in blood to the liver.

Severe worm infestation can result in seizures. Parasites release toxic substances that can cause a negative impact on the nervous system of central.

Low blood sugar or hypoglycemia that can cause feelings of stress and fatigue and can be a trigger in the triggering of seizures. Scientists have calculated that 50-90 percent of epileptics have low blood sugar levels, and 70% have abnormal levels of glucose tolerance.

Toxic metals, such as mercury, lead, copper as well as aluminum have been linked to seizures. Some pets are extremely sensitive to the presence of these metals and exposure is commonplace through aluminum cookware automobile exhaust industrial pollutants cleaning products, household cleaners and water pipe pipes made of copper.

Collars, sprays and garden sprays can be harmful for pets. It is crucial to ensure that your dog is free of chemical pollutants as is possible. Consider the environment your dog is in. Are you using chemical sprays for your yard? Sometimes, dogs will only seize when your lawn is being sprayed to control weeds. What about the cleaning product that you apply to your floors? There are dogs who have been known to have seizures after floors have been cleaned with a pine-scented cleaner. The tick and flea medications may also trigger seizures. It is suggested that epi dogs receive Interceptor as an annual heartworm preventative as well as Frontline is used to treat fleas. Do not use products containing Ivermectin because it has been proven to trigger seizures in certain breeds. There are many factors that can reduce the dog’s seizure threshold. Keep a journal of your pet’s seizures. Keep track of anything you’ve done or anything that your dog came into contact with during the day that could have triggered seizures. There is also the recognized fact that dogs can be prone to seizures around the full moon.

Because vaccines could contain organisms or proteins and/or organisms, they can trigger an allergic encephalitis that causes inflammation in the brain. The vaccinations can reduce a dog’s seizures and cause seizures. If you believe this may be the case for your dog, request the vet to divide the shots and give the shots at every two weeks or at intervals and request for an Rabies shots to be administered two weeks after the initial shot. We strongly recommend testing for titers against vaccines, and always. It is a blood test to determine if the appropriate levels of vaccinations are present and are therefore not needed. It’s incredible how long a dog are able to go without having to get vaccinated again.

Cancer, cysts, and infections can cause seizures.

A head injury that causes head injury from an auto accident, abuse , or another accident could cause permanent seizures.

The job of the kidneys is to eliminate excessive fluid and toxins. When kidneys are afflicted or damaged, also known as Renal Kidney Insufficiency, the kidney can cease to function effectively, leading to a toxic build-up within the body, resulting in seizures. The toxic build-up may cause a seizure disorder.

Research suggests mineral and vitamin deficiencies as possible causes for epilepsy. The main nutrients lacking in epileptics include vitamin B6 vitamin A, vitamin A, folic acid zinc, vitamin D taurine magnesium, calcium, and zinc. Diet plays a significant part in the treatment of Canine Epilepsy. It is crucial to feed a dog a food which is without preservatives. Preservatives like Ethoxyquin or BHT, BHA should be avoided since they could cause seizures. Dogs shouldn’t eat grains.

Genetics (from the Canine Epilepsy Project)

“The Canine Epilepsy Project is an inter-disciplinary study of how epilepsy is caused in canines. The project is funded by grant funds from AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF), National Institutes of Health (NIH) as well as breed clubs, and private donations. The grants supporting this research include CHF Completed Grant #1718, CHF Completed Grant #1729, CHF Completed Grant #1845, CHF Active Grant #2252, CHF Active Grant #2304 along with NIH Awards #1K08NS0224501.

Their aim is to discover epilepsy-related genes in dogs, so that smart breeding could reduce the risk of this disease in dogs. We hope that knowing which genetic factors control epilepsy in dogs could assist us in tailoring our treatments to address the specific causes.

The goals of their studies to understand the causes of hereditary canine epilepsy include:

Samples of recruits from a vast variety of individuals affected as well as those who are their closest family members (siblings parents, siblings and grandparents) and from a variety of breeds of dogs.

Analyze the genotypes of the selected families to determine connections among DNA markers as well as epilepsy. You can then analyze the results to determine the mutation that is the cause or mutation.

Develop the testing method for DNA markers that can detect and differentiates between abnormal and mutational (epilepsy-causing) alleles. Then, offer this test to breeders to ensure that they can create epilepsy-free breeds.

The genes responsible for seizures in dogs are not fully identified. This project aims to identify what marker(s) as well as the mutation(s) for the cause. If these are discovered A blood test can identify if a particular dog is carrying the mutation or not, or is likely to develop an illness (even before the symptoms start). With these data, breeding professionals can select breeding partners that will not breed affected puppies.

Owners and breeders frequently ask what information is available about the idiopathic inheritance epilepsy (also known as primary epilepsy or epilepsy genetic). This is a crucial issue because if breeders understand the way in which inheritance occurs (that is how inheritance patterns change over generations) and have a good understanding of the pattern of inheritance, they might be able to devise breeding strategies that allow them to avoid breeding for epilepsy. In some cases, if the mechanism of inheritance that causes an illness is known and controlled, selective breeding could allow breeders to significantly decrease, or even eradicate the disorder, while allowing breeders to maintain their bloodlines. Of course, when breeders and owners are asked about the inherited epilepsy they hope to establish that seizures in their dogs aren’t due to inheritance of epilepsy. Sometimes, they have a reason to believe this. But, often they are forced to face the possibility that the cause was inheritance (genetics) is the root reason for the seizures.

For those who aren’t familiar with the concept of “mode of inheritance” we’ll try to explain. The definition of “mode of inheritance” is the term used to define whether the disorder can be described as a straightforward recessive condition or a dominant simple characteristic, or more complex trait. A trait that is “simple” are passed down by one gene, whereas those complex require multiple genes. Complex genetic traits mean that the various genes may combine or interact and they may be interacting with the dogs’ surroundings. Naturally, basic genetic characteristics are more straightforward to research. The phrase “recessive” implies that a dog can only be affected by the disease in the event that the defective gene is transmitted by both parents. Therefore, if just one parent carries this defective gene their children will not be affected by the disorder, even though they could have the potential to be “carriers” and eventually transfer their deficient gene offspring. The phrase “dominant” signifies that the dog could suffer from the disorder even though only one parent is affected by this defective gene.

As stated, there aren’t any conclusive results on the mechanism of inheritance in canine epilepsy with idiopathic nature. There are however certain general theories. Researchers have speculated that, at a minimum, for the breeds they examined it could be recessive since frequently two parents epilepsy-free have offspring that have epilepsy. Another hypothesis is that genetic defects are carried by the sexual the chromosomes. (Each pet has 39 pairs of the chromosomes that are able to carry all the genes of his or her parents. Each pair of chromosomes is passed down from one parent. Thirty-eight pairs of these are autosomes. One pair is the sexchromosomes.) In most cases, when there are differences between sexes in an attribute the gene responsible for the characteristic is carried on sex chromosomes. But it is true that some breeds (though not all) have a higher incidence of epilepsy in males than females this pattern of inheritance across generations suggests that epilepsy-related genes are likely to be carried by at least one of the autosome pairs. Although these two theories (recessive or autosomal) could be the case for a variety of breeds, at this moment, there is insufficient evidence to make any conclusive conclusions, not just on the breeds specifically for which studies of pedigrees have been conducted.

As stated that there are a number of researchers currently investigating the genetic causes of canine epilepsy idiopathic. If you have a dog that has epilepsy idiopathic, and/or one of them has given birth to epilepsy offspring, you should get in touch with the Canine Epilepsy Network.”

If your dog suffers from seizures, it is essential to inform the breeder as well as any associations or clubs that they are a part of. Only through sharing information and pedigree studies that genetic issues can be discovered and utilized to select the best breed.

Find out the source of seizures (WHEN IS IT A MEDICAL EMERGENCY?)

Generalized Seizure, also known as Tonic-clonic. The tonic-clonic seizures have two phases and could manifest in either a moderate and/or Grand Mal version. In the Grand Mal seizure the “tonic” stage is when the dog is lowered to the ground, then rigidly extends his legs and begins to lose consciousness. At this point, his breathing also ceases. The seizure typically lasts from ten to 30 minutes. Following this, the “clonic” phase begins. At this point that the owners begin to notice the stereotypical behavior that is often referred to as an “fit.

When the dog is in the clonic phase it is possible to start any or all of the symptoms listed below:

1. Paddling of limbs, or “running in the same place”.

2. Jaw movements that resemble the dog trying to chew gum.

3. Eye pupils dilate (become massive) and become unresponsive.

4. Dog begins salivating or drooling.

5. Dog loses control of its bodily functions and starts to urinate or vomit onto the floor.

Different types of seizures

In mild cases of Tonic-clonic seizures, there’s usually very little paddling and there isn’t any losing consciousness. Uterine and defecation could also not be observed.

Petit Mal Seizures have short moments of the dog being unconscious , and exhibiting signs of loss of muscle tone as well as blank eyes. These seizures are thought to be extremely uncommon in dogs and need the evidence of EEG abnormalities to diagnose for certainty.

Partial seizures are atypical in which the seizure activity like muscles spasms in the legs or neck and head bends or the major body part or facial spasms occur in a specific part that is the human body. These kinds of seizures may become more severe until they appear as Grand Mal or Mild Tonic-clonic however the distinction is in how the seizures began. Both Tonic-clonic types appear to be a general body seizure from the beginning but partial seizures could begin at the face or on one hip.

Status Epilepticus type seizures can be life-threatening. They may occur as one continuous seizure lasting more than 30 minutes, or as an ongoing series of seizures that end with the dog not getting back to consciousness. Status epilepticus seizures may occur in dogs who have an underlying background of Grand Mal or Mild Tonic-clonic seizures, and also epilepsy diagnosis. They can also be seen in dogs that have never had seizures but suffered an injury to the brain exposed to toxic substances such as enormous amounts of chocolate poisons and pesticides. They also could result from a disease.

Cluster seizures are like the status epilepticus loop seizures, and both are frequently classified as one or the other. The main difference between the status epilepticus and Cluster seizures are that the puppy is able to return to consciousness between every seizure.


Will 3D Television Trigger Epileptic Seizures?

Does the 3D effect either a myth or fact?

The answer could be either!

The introduction of 3D films like Avatar and the expected growth in 3D Television is creating concerns throughout the world due to the impact of 3D viewing on “triggering” an epileptic seizure.

Lamictal Side Effects

In certain cases, the concerns may be legitimate, but in other cases it’s just creating another myth in epilepsy’s mystery, especially for people who aren’t epilepsy sufferers.

While awareness of epilepsy and the nature of the condition is and even more important, what it is NOT is increasing in the public sphere through various awareness campaigns, the false stigmas that surround epileptics remain a problem for those who don’t suffer from epilepsy, or are not near to anyone who has epilepsy.

If you are an epileptic, they’re generally aware that epilepsy comes in multiple types (types) which manifest in many different ways.

The primary concern is Do you have “Photosensitive Epilepsy”?

This is a short excerpt of Wikipedia detailing photosensitive epilepsy. There is more detailed information on the internet, but this will convey my point.

“In certain epileptics, flashing or flickering lights, like flashing lights, could cause the development of a involuntary, absence of myoclonic seizures. This type of condition is known as photosensitive epilepsy and, in certain cases seizures can be caused by actions that aren’t harmful to other people for example, watching TV as well as playing online games as well as by driving or riding through the daytime on a route with trees spaced apart, creating what is known as the “flashing light” effects. A few people experience seizures as a result of blinking their eyes. Contrary to what many believe the epilepsy triggered by blinking is extremely rare with only 3 percent of instances. For other epileptics as well the lights do not appear to be more likely to trigger seizures than they are in an un-epileptic individual.

An essential element in the EEG test is to expose the patient to light sources that flicker to try to trigger a seizure to see if these lights are triggering seizures within the patient, and also detect the wavelengths in case the seizure is occurring”.

In my opinion, to alleviate or eliminate any fears or worries that you are having about yourself and your your loved ones regarding the trigger of watching 3D Television or 3D movies it is important to consult your physician, paediatrician , or neurologist on whether you or loved ones suffer from PHOTOSENSITIVE epilepsy.

There are many factors that cause seizures in different individuals, but one that is quite common is stress which is why you should eliminate any anxiety and stress you might be feeling about the consequences from 3D Television by simply consulting with your doctor or primary care provider.

Do you really want to deprive yourself and your family members of the joy that comes with 3D Television viewing just because of a chance?

If you do not suffer from epilepsy with photosensitivity, then the risk should be minimal.

Many epileptics will be a little irritable or dizzy, and experience headaches, etc. when watching an 3D film, but the transmission and 3D glasses play tricks on your brain and eyes and if epileptics feel these feelings, it doesn’t necessarily indicate the onset of seizures.

In the end The only person who can tell you whether 3D Television or movies will impact them is the doctor(s) Don’t be influenced by rumors or gossip Enjoy the experience.

If you’re within the 3percent of epileptics suffering from epilepsy that is photosensitive, then I am happy for you, but consult with your physician to see if there’s an alternative to counteract the negative effects (some suggest taking a higher dose ( this is a claim that has been confirmed by your physician) of anticonvulsants prior to and following taking in 3D Television or 3D movies could be beneficial, but this is just a rumor.

My daughter is the son of 23-year old daughter, who was diagnosed with epilepsy called Complex Partial Seizures ( previously called Grand Mal) at the age of six months (initially incorrectly diagnosed as febrile seizures, much to our delight). I do not consider myself a medical professional however I do have “practical” experience in living with the condition, taking care of the needs of my child (who also is physically and intellectually disabled) and have been trying to stay abreast of what’s happening in the epilepsy field including research, medication as well as social consciousness. I hope this article will be useful to you.