
What is Regrouting?

When cleaning up tile flooring, many homeowners wrongly think that they can just use regular sandpaper and other ‘standard’ cleaners to get the job done effectively. This is wrong! If you want to ensure that your tile floor will remain looking its best for as long as possible, then you need to ensure that you have the correct methods for regrouting your tile floors. There are three basic steps, which allow you to make the most of your tile floor cleaning efforts and ensure that you never need to worry about the condition of your floor again.

The most important thing to remember about regrouting tile is that it needs to be performed in the proper order. First, you need to remove all of the old, hardened, unbroken grout (sometimes referred to as grit or discolored tile) from between the tiles, joints or cracks in the tile. Next, you need to carefully scrub the grout off the tiles and replace it in its proper place using a scrubber or a soft brush. Finally, you must mix up some new tile and then apply it to your tiles with a grout mix and then clean it thoroughly using a clean sponge. It’s as simple as that!

bathroom regrouting

In order to avoid having to deal with damaged grout in the future, it’s always a good idea to take the time and money to perform regular regrouting maintenance on your tiled floor. To help save yourself some trouble in the preparation stage, start out by hiring a professional tile restoration expert to come out and check your tires once a year. Also, be sure to schedule a retiling session when you notice some sign of damage to your tiles, particularly around grout lines. For those who aren’t able to hire a professional, there are plenty of quality solutions available at home improvement retailers that can help you with your own retiling maintenance.