
Water is one of the most vital products you can have in your body

Your body is made up of 66% water so it’s important that you put the right type of water into your body. Water does not just consist of H2O it also provides you with your essential minerals, namely calcium. You require approximately 2 liters of water a day but these days tap water contains nitrates, trihalomethanes, lead and aluminium, which are toxic to your body. In the UK and US the levels of toxins in our water exceeds safety limits.

toxic water exposure on base

These days people are reverting to bottled water and filtered water, however these sources of water not only take out the toxins they also take out the vital minerals. That’s why I recommend having a filtering system that puts the minerals back in or adding an electrolyte solution. A brand I recommend is ‘elete’.

Another major concern is the amount of pharmaceutical drugs that end up in your water supply, especially the contraceptive pill. Have you noticed that the height of the new generations is increasing because of the amount of hormones that are in your water supply and your food? Chlorination of the water supply isn’t helping and in fact it can be making it worse. In 2002 a report by the US Geological Service discovered that the water supplies have microbial and viral contaminants, pharmaceuticals and hormones. In 2004 the USGS tested a water plant – the water going in and the water coming out – in the water entering the plant scientists found 40 prescription and non prescription drugs and their metabolites, fragrance compounds, flame retardants, disinfectants, cosmetics detergents, plant and animal steroids.

The standard chlorination treatment took care of the detergents, disinfectants and steroids but allowed the rest of the drugs to enter the drinking water. Not only were contaminants still in the water but how safe is chlorine for us? The source of these drugs is from literally throwing the unused prescription drugs down the toilet and also peoples urine. These end up in the sewerage system and get recycled back into the water supply. In some areas of London the water supply may have already passed through the kidneys of five people. Chlorination is the major way to be rid of bacteria and viruses but it doesn’t work on some parasites. However chlorine can react with some organic matter in the water and form chlorine-related ‘disinfection by-products’ (trihalomethanes THMs). Studies have shown that it can cause cancer such as colorectal and pancreatic and a slight increase in brain cancer. The strongest link is with bladder cancer and studies also show that it’s linked to miscarriages. Chlorination has also been attributed to fetus growth defects and cancer. Not only when you drink THMs does this have an effect but also because you bathe, swim and shower in it.

So what’s the solution? Bottled water is not a good substitute because of the problems with plastics, therefore the only option is to have a reverse osmosis water purifier (a plumbed-in system) or carbon-block filters. Attach this to the water as it enters your house. We may be thinking that buying bottled water is a good substitute, but is it? In 1999 the NRDC (National Resources Defence Council) did a report on the bottled water industry in the US. They found that 35 out of the 103 brands had contaminations, many had ‘bacterial overgrowth’, others had high levels of arsenic, chloroform, trihalomethanes or fluoride; some had high levels of arsenic and phthalates that aren’t even allowed in tap water.

Phthalates are chemicals that are added to plastics to make them flexible. Concluding that the biggest contamination of bottled water is from its container, phthalates mimic estrogen and causes damage to genitals, liver, kidneys and lungs. Ironically there are strict limits on phthalates for tap water but not for bottled. Bisphenol-A (BPA) a polycarbon is another toxin that mimics oestrogen and disrupts the hormonal system and causes genetic abnormalities. So any bottled water can be classed as unhealthy even the big office bottled water fountain. A biodegradable bottle made out of cornstarch only leeches small quantities of lactic acid that isn’t harmful; the brand is called bleu and is found in Waitrose supermarkets in the UK.

So what’s the solution? Drink tap water but filter it and store it in a glass container or get a stainless steel bottle. Brita removes 85% of chlorine, 70% pesticides, and none of the fluoride and nitrates at all. Under the kitchen sink filters remove 99% of bacteria, 95% of chlorine, heavy metals and pesticides. Plumbed in systems use reverse osmosis; it totally removes everything but also the nutrients. Using a good quality electrolyte will provide the solution and put the good nutrients back in.