
Understanding Different Types of Business Communication

Business communication is actually the exchange of information among workers within and outside of a particular business. This exchange of information, when carried out in a professional manner, is considered business communication. It can involve any communication, from presentations and letters to emails, internet and telephone conferences, faxes, newsletters, or other written forms. Business communication is also a process by which information and knowledge are shared among employees, management, and other interested parties. Basically, business communication involves any form of communication that assists business activities. It can be through sales, hiring, customer service, networking, and so much more.

In business communication, it is usually performed through four channels – internal, external, vertical, and horizontal. Among internal channels, internal business communication refers to those forms of communication that are meant for internal use only, such as staff meeting minutes, group discussions, and similar types of interactions that are meant for the improvement of the business. External business communication refers to those communications that are sent out to the wider audience of a business organization, either for advertising public relations, marketing, or other strategic purposes. Vertical communication refers to communication that is done among different levels of management, ranging from senior executives to the front line employees.

In order to master business communication, it is important to understand all the different types of communication. Communication takes many forms, but there are certain core principles that all forms of communication to share. These include: equality of opportunity, transparency in information, communication between people and feedback, and respect for differing opinions. When these core principles are fully implemented, all forms of business communication are bound to thrive. The best way to achieve equality of opportunity in business communication is to make sure that everyone has access to the same information, is treated the same, and can voice their opinions in a respectful manner. By making sure that everyone has a chance to speak up and listen, you will empower your team, improve communication between teams, and increase your ability to communicate with various groups and sectors of the market.